Monday, October 18, 2010

assignment # 3

Behind my name: Amy

Before I started this assignment, I thought my name meant love, because in french "aimer", means to love, and it sounds kind of like Amy.
I think my parents chose this name for me because I was the youngest and they felt like they were closest to me then their other kids.

After searching on Behind the Name , I learned that my name means loved or beloved(I was right!)

Some other interesting things I learned is my name can also be spelled as, Aimee,Ami, Amee,Amii, and there's so many other ways as well.
I think my name does suit me because, I'm  not hated by every one and I'm also loving myself

If I could give myself a new name, it would be Suzy, because it means a lily and a lily is a unique flower, and I am pretty unique, because I don't know anyone in this school that is just like me.

1 comment:

Shauna Pollock said...

Great job, Amy!

Would you also like the name Lily?

I also think you are unique and I'm really glad to read your posts and get to know you even better!

One thing about your blog is that it is a little tricky to see the link text on the background you've chosen. Can you make the link colour a little lighter or a little darker so it's easier to see?

Miss P