Monday, October 25, 2010

assignment #7

world of work!

I did some research and I found out that there are 6 main sectors, which are the construction sector, the employment sector, information and technology sector, manufacturing sector, the service sector, and the transportation sector.

there are a lot of jobs under those topics; like for example, in the construction sector, there is electrical installation, or carpentry.

the sector that appeals to me is the service sector. it appeals to me because when I'm older, and finished college i want to go to culinary school, and it also appeals to me because I like lots of hands on activities in school (like gym,or art).

these are some of the jobs in each sector
  • brick masonry  
  • cabinet making 
  • welding

Employment Sector

  •  job interviews
  • job skill demonstration
  • prepared speech
 Manufacturing Sector 
  • mechanical  CADD
  • precisision machining
  • robotics
Information and Technology Sector
  •  2D and 3D character computer animation
  • graphic design
  • TV&Video production



Service Sector

  • baking
  • hair styling
  • fashion technology

Transportation Sector

  •  aircraft maintenance
  • automotive repair
  • outdoor power and recreation equipment

I hope to learn more about the service sector when we go on the field trip, or the information and technology sector because those are the things that I an more interested in doing when I get older.


  1. do you have to go to college or university to get into all the jobs?
  2. what jobs don't require any background knowlage?
  3. what is brick masonry?
  4. are these just courses you take before you get into these jobs?
After highschool I want to go to college for computer softeware ( i think tats what its called...) and after I graduate I'm going to apply for a job with the government, and then I will quit after a few years and open up my cupcake shop! So I would have to take IT Office Software Applications in the Information and Technology Sector.

 I would also have to take the Baking in the Service Sector.

References: click here!

1 comment:

Shauna Pollock said...

Hi Amy,

Great job on your assignments so far. Just make sure you're using capital letters at the beginning of sentences!

Miss P