Friday, October 1, 2010

Welcome post

HI! My  name is Amy and I'm so glad you decided to visit my blog!I am described by my friends as quiet and artistic.When I was small, I always wanted to be an artist but now that I am older I want to own a cupcake shop with my best friends. And my plan is to give back to charities,because I couldn't imagine how it would be to be a child growing up without all the things I had. If you have any questions about my blog or if you just feel like asking me something, feel Free to leave a comment! Hope you come check out my blog soon!


jumanh said...

hey amy thanks for comminting

Shauna Pollock said...

Hi Amy,
I love your cute cupcake shop idea! You can still incorporate your love of art into that, creating the logo and advertising, and decorating cupcakes!

Caitlin said...
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jumanh said...

Yo amy come check out a blog I did about the dance

jumanh said...

Amy please come check out my hallowen post.

Anonymous said...

I thought that was a great idea About the cupcakes you can use your artistic ability and make your own really cool cupcakes. If you are able to get your own store tell me and I will come I LOVE CUPCAKES!!!!! Keep up your dream!!!Oh also I love your idea of giving to charites thats great keep up the good work!!!

~Steph P 8BS~

Caitlin said...

Hello I'm Caitlin from Hillsdale,
I don't know if you know about the "Blogging Buddies"? but I am one of your buddies. You said your artisitc, cool! I artistic too, I like your idea on a cupcake shop with your friends. You also said you want to giveback to different charities, I was just wondering what charities would you give back too?
